Social Media Consultant Rick Snyder

Question your kids privacy settings on social media

Privacy settings are unique across most social media platforms.  There is no one setting that fits all standard.

Maybe there should be a standard privacy setting for all social platforms.

Privacy for the purposes of this post means preventing other users from viewing, interacting, following or messaging you on a social media platform.

Parents who don’t check social platform settings on cell phones of kids younger than 16 years old are just plain dumb.  Everyone knows a parent whose head is in the sand, what they don’t know or see doesn’t exist.  I never let my kids play with kids of those kind of parents for good reasons.

Did you know that in some foreign countries prisoners have access to the internet?  Did you know that some child predators just may find your Childs social media posts and photos thrilling in the worst way?
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Ponder that for two seconds before you freakout and ask kids for their phones.  Google social media platform xxx-name privacy settings –  it is your best resource.

We’ve always mentioned social platform settings to our children and continue to do so now that they’re almost 17 and 20. Did I mention that the settings differ between mobil apps and PC/Mac computers?

I find social media platform setting maddening (is that even a term).  Each platform has specific privacy  settings that for variable purposes perform different functions. I gave up learning them years ago, I use Google and read sites with current content.  Email is great, I usually forward stuff right to my kids.

My kids don’t want strangers viewing their content either.

Scarily we’ve experienced privacy settings resetting to a default, usually wide open for the entire internet and internet viewers out there to have access.  Some networks just don’t have privacy settings as a priority.  Facebook seems to have taken a lead role about privacy along with Google but it wasn’t always that way.

It’s simple, add it to your parenting sub set.  You’ll sleep better tonight that is if you start now.  There are hundreds of social media platforms, how many are your kids on anyway?







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