Social Media Consultant Rick Snyder

Category: Social activity

  • Here Is Why You Are Failing At Social Media

    Succeeding at social media takes work and time. Failing at social media is easy. If you want to fail skip this list and move along. Want to succeed? Read on, here’s what not to do. No plan was set up to define what success is from the beginning so that you are measuring results from […]

  • Lost posts and lessons learned

    Two month old backups meant lost content for me yesterday. Five posts are gone, poof. Yesterday morning my website host, iPage notified me that my site was creating a huge server load and suspended service. For a site that receives around 500 hits per month I knew immediately it wasn’t something I did. Yes my […]

  • 7 ways to help your teen on social media

    Teens on social media is like letting a ten year old child drive – well almost. The difference is most teens are unsupervised on social media and the ten year old driver wouldn’t do it without an adult in the vehicle. Ask your teen how many social networks they are on. My youngest is eleven, […]

  • Squidoo

    Squidoo is an evolving community that started in 2005. It’s a brain child of Seth Godin, an absolutely brilliant marketer. The founders used their saavy skills to connect a pool of writers with a desire to earn money through modules that earn commissions such as Amazon and Ebay. Squidoo leaks engagement and is addicting if […]

  • Blog 2

    Blog 2 is out there somewhere, a link, a memory, a bit of data. They say if you can’t beat them, join them! Ultimately, under no circumstances give your pet bird dry or raw beans. free tadalafil sample It is to be put away at room temperature 77f (25c) in a dull, firmly fixed compartment, […]

  • Hey blog writer why you need Chris Brogan

    Hey blog writer why you need Chris Brogan

    Writing skills are key to convey messages in a style that fill a readers need. Copy writing, topic and voice matters. One writer in particular is admirable. Chris Brogan is President of Human Business Works. He has almost 12 years experience in social media, having started blogging back in 1998, when it was called “journaling.” […]

  • 5 Web Design Trends You Needed to Know Yesterday

    5 Web Design Trends You Needed to Know Yesterday

    Bridging site functionality, speed and attractiveness of design, recent advances in the world of web development and social networking has made the Web designer and social media guru as essential as the web programmer or project manager in the development of a companies’ website. Advances in code like HTML5 and CSS3 have allowed designers to […]

  • Genesis Framework Because You Need It My Top 10 List

    Because it was time for a website redesign, I contacted a friend. You must like the website update because my traffic increased and bounce rate decreased. My friend Chris at Modo Media Group does amazing website design, internet advertising and print. He gave me 8 great suggestions. A professional WordPress template [theme]. √ done Promote my portfolio […]

  • LinkedIn for Business doh

    LinkedIn for Business doh

    LinkedIn is often the overlooked obvious network for business to engage their target audience. LinkedIn should be part of your business strategy.   Why is that? Many have the impression that only people job hunting are on LinkedIn. It’s not true! LinkedIn is a viable social network for Business and it’s executive team to have […]

  • 11 Business Social Media Mistakes

    Businesses flock to social media and fill advertising gaps. It’s free, easy to post and available to most. Business owners are taking care of social media tasks themselves, their reputation is at stake after all. Many businesses are making mistakes and don’t even know it.   Are you making some of these common business social […]

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